Wednesday 27 March 2013

Market strategy One

In your business report,
ìWork on the “Product” component of Marketing Strategies.
ìInclude the Tangible and Intangible features of your product.
ìAnatomy of your product.
ìClassify your product.

A product consists of 2 components
ìTangible factors
ìQuality, color, texture
ìIntangible factors
ìEnhance “product offering”
ìBranding, customer care, warranty

Anatomy of product
ìThe Core Product
ìCar = transport
ìThe Tangible Productì physical/ unique features
ìThe Augmented Product
ìadded value
ìThe Future Product
ìLT d/d

B2C market
ìConvenience Goods (routine)
ìShopping Goods (some risk)
ìSpecialty Goods (great risk)
ìUnsought Goods (“forced to buy”)